Blast through everything blocking you from your success

Breakthrough Sessions

Spend 8-12 hours over two days with me in a safe container diving deep into unconscious blocks, break down old patterns that no longer serve you and powerfully rewire your neurology to create exactly the life you desire!


Recognize the Problem

Let’s talk about how and when the problem came into your life in the first place


Release the Blocks

Let’s liberate you from negative emotions and belief systems that are keeping you from acting from a place choice


Uncover Your Core Values

Determine and prioritize the values that will align you with your goals to lead a more fulfilling life

"I was so stuck in my ways, trapped in my past and I was living someone else’s life. This breakthrough session shook up my reality and opened my eyes to possibilities I’d never dreamed of before."


Areas of Life


Here we address unfulfilled career or challenges in getting resources, money, abundance. What are you willing and ready to release today to invite your most fulfilling career and incredible abundance into you life?


Unfulfilling intimate relationships? How supportive are your friendships? Are you ready to call in your soul mate and aligned friendships into your life?


How do you feel about your body image? What is the mirror mirroring back to you? Get ready to feel hot and sexy today!

Personal Development

What is the quality of your relationship with yourself today? Are you showing up in an empowered, courageous way in your life? Release anything that is blocking you from knowing the real, authentic you and step into your highest potential.


How connected are you with your higher self, with a higher power? How easily does guidance flow in? We are heading into a new world where our relationship with our higher self will be the guiding force in our lives - are you ready?

Let me help you become the most empowered you